Monster Buster Club is a children's CGI television series by Marathon Production. The show debuted on June 2, 2008 on Jetix in Europe, June 9, 2008 in the United States and in Asia on May 3, 2008. This show is about three twelve-year-olds charged with saving their town from alien invasions helped by an alien girl named Cathy. With her grandfather, they reform a secret organization that was founded centuries ago called the Monster Buster Club, often abbreviated to MBC. The goal of the MBC is to locate alien criminals seeking refuge in Single Town, capture them, and send them to galactic authorities.
Main Characters:
Cathy (Cath) - Cathy appears to be a bubbly, 12-year-old girl in the earth, equivalent to 700 Rhapsodian years, because she's an alien from the planet Rhapsodia. She came to Earth with her grandfather, Mr. Smith, to start the Monster Buster Club. She is constantly surprised at how different Earth is from Rhapsodia. She has many alien abilities, including the ability to stretch, and slight telekinesis. She is the most optimistic of the MBC. Her suit color is pink. In her chosen human form, she has blonde hair and blue eyes.Her Rhapsodian form is shown to be a humanoid, white alien with scattered pink spots, with four tentacles for arms, and four tentacles for legs, as well as tentacles on her head, (like hair), and a long, furry-looking tail. Compared to humans, Rhapsodians are extremely long-lived which is shown in the first episode of the second season.
Chris (Christopher) - Chris is the tech-guy of the group. He is very smart, with a knack for gadgets. He'll often stay back in the clubhouse and supply intelligence reports while the rest of the group is out on a mission. His suit color is blue.
Sam (Samantha) - Samantha, known by her friends as Sam, is an African-American girl with an often serious disposition. While officially the MBC has no leader, she'll often make attack strategies and plans for the group.She, at times can be bossy.While she is a great unoffical leader she'll often put mbc first instead of having fun.(Shown in the episode "Me Krog, You Rollins when Danny says "All work and no play makes Sam a dull girl.") Her suit color is yellow.
Danny (Daniel) - Danny is a nice guy at heart, and good at sports. He can get a little overconfident at times. He has a crush on his schoolmate, Wendy. He likes cracking jokes, even in dangerous situations. His suit color is red. (he is also called his nickname "The Danny".) (It is shown in the episode "Laugh Attack" that his anger often gets in the way of his performance.)
Mr. Smith - Mr. Smith is Cathy's aloof grandfather and came with her to Earth. Like Cathy, he is a Rhapsodian alien, but rarely displays any supernatural powers and his alien from has the appearance of a mollusk. He'll sometimes aid the MBC from the clubhouse, but often he won't be involved in their missions at all. Mr. Smith loves working in his garden and playing cards with his plants.
I think the monster buster club also great just to I'm Dutch, so I can only upload into the weekend that I find very Jamer but the mbc is absolutely wonderful <3
ReplyDeleteI love Monster Buster Club! I even write stories about them in Fan Fiction(Dot)Net. I've seen every episode of the show and know many things of it. Cathy's my favorite out of the four and it's noticeable in my Pen Name. My favorite eps are The Famous Four 1 and 2. The theme song is amazing and I just really really really love the MBC!
ReplyDeleteomg i love the monster buster club its so awsoeme